Crazy Like A Fox | Motorhead |

Crazy Like A Fox

Testo Crazy Like A Fox

Babe you‘re dressed to kill tonight
I get ahead of myself
If you knew what you do to me
You‘ll be with someone else
Jump back, be cool, you make me feel
Like I‘m back at school
Make me crazy, crazy for you
Oh you make me hot
Come on, show me what you got
You‘re moving slow, baby don‘t say no
You move like a rattlesnake
And I can‘t stand no more, oh babe

You‘re gonna wreck my mind
And I hope you do it all the time
You better give it your best shot
You know I‘m crazy, crazy like a fox
Don‘t you turn your back on me
You just make it worse
You look just as beautiful
When you‘re movin‘ in reverse
Come on, be nice, oh babe
You‘re gonna wreck my life
Make me crazy, make me jump all night
Oh you make me die
When I look into your eyes
I‘m moving in, I‘m coming through
You must be an earthquake
‘Cause I‘m shaking in my shoes

You‘re gonna wreck my mind
And I hope you do it all the time
I love you‘re body ‘cause it rocks
You make me crazy, crazy like a fox
Come on honey, take my hand
‘Cause we‘re out of here
I‘m gonna take you home with me
I‘m gonna whisper in your ear
Come on, make it quick
Oh, mama, hit me with your rhythm stick
It‘s magic time
But I don‘t play no tricks
Oh baby come on
You know I want to get it on
You must be a guitar player
The way you‘re stringing me along

Oh babe, you‘re gonna wreck my mind
And I hope you do it all the time
I‘m gonna knock you out of your socks
You make me crazy, crazy like a fox
You‘ve been doin‘ it all the time
You know I love you, love you lots
Crazy like a fox
You‘re gonna wreck my mind
I hope you do it all the time

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